Welcome! My name is

Deyanira (aka Deya) Genao.

I am a full stack developer. I build web-based applications.

Want to know more?

About Me

Immediately after graduating from Columbia University, I began teaching at a school in the Bronx, in a community a few neighborhoods away from where I grew up. In my 7 years as a teacher, I collaborated with teams, mentored other teachers, researched best educational practices, consulted curriculums, and analyzed student data - all to design lessons that would meet our students’ needs.

During this time, I repeatedly depended on technology to save the day – whether it was to engage students, improve accessibility to the learning material, or to improve communication with my colleagues or student families. I became passionate about integrating technology. The more I used these tools with others, I began to realize that I too could create these applications.

I first earned a certificate in web development from Columbia University, where I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front-end. I have also used NodeJS, Express, SQL and MongoDB to build servers and RESTful APIs. In October 2022, I earned my full stack Java certification as from Per Scholas, where I built full stack apps using Spring. Now, I aim to use these technical skills to build applications that transform the lives of their users.

Photo of Deya Genao
View My Resume


Screenshot of Afford It Application

Afford It

Afford It is a financial planner for organizing monthly expenses and income. Users can create shared accounts to manage their budgets with loved ones, friends, or roommates. Users can also track discretionary or "wishlist" purchases.
Per Scholas Case Study Project - built in 1.5 weeks

Technologies: Java, Spring Boot(Spring Web, Security, Data JPA), MariaDB, Thymeleaf, HTML/ CSS/ JavaScript

Fake Fashion

Fake Fashion began as a simple front end project for a bootcamp assignment. I am currently expanding it to become a practice ecommerce site with Java/ Springboot on the backend.
In Progress

Technologies: Java, Spring Boot(Spring Web, Security, Data JPA), MariaDB, Thymeleaf, HTML/ CSS/ JavaScript

Screenshot of Fake Fashion App
Screenshot of Game of Thrones Trivia App

GOT Trivia

Game of Thrones Trivia is a frontend app I created when first learning web development. Test your skills!
Columbia Web Dev Bootcamp - built in 1 week

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

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